We are a moderate, pragmatic people, more comfortable with practice than theory. - Queen Elizabeth II

maandag 11 april 2011

Bloody rare blood type

Patrick Strudwick
guardian.co.uk, Monday 11 April 2011

Gay blood donors can only be blood donors if they haven’t had sex for longer than a decade, that’s the teeny tiny little process of equal rights for gay blood donors. However, Gay donors who claimed to have safe sex cannot be blood donors. This stands in contrast with heterosexual blood donors, who are trusted upon their saying that they did not have unsafe sex. Only if a heterosexual man paid for sex he cannot give his blood for a year.  This means that heterosexual man is trusted upon his word and a homosexual is not.
I find this ridiculous, any human being can lie about their sexual encounters and this is just public discrimination. No sane human being would lie and give unhealthy blood to donor, and if they would it probably fits both homosexual and heterosexual people. Gay rights aren’t really progressing this way, in my opinion everybody should be equal; gay, straight, black, white, Jewish or Christian! After all, everyone is a human being.
So, where can I get my magical gay blood?

7 opmerkingen:

  1. whaáát? this is ridiculous! i know that people find it hard to understand that gay people are human too but for me personal i think i would trust gay people before heterosexual..! maybe it's the century that i grew up in or the fact that i have gay people in my family but i think that this is a whole new page of discrimination.

    Good story! I think that if we allow gay people in this society that at the end of the day everyone will!

  2. I agree with the two of you! This is plain discrimination. As if white heterosexual people are the most important in the world. Everyone is unique and everyone is equal, no matter your skin colour or your sexual orientation.

  3. I think if someone needs blood, they won't mind if the blood comes from a gay person. So I find it ridiculous as well...

  4. Indeed! If you need blood to safe a life...who cares! I really didn't think this was ever an issue..

  5. I agree with all of you! If you are a blood donor, you want to save lives. Who cares if it is from a heterosexual or from a homosexual? This is plain discrimination! People should be happy with blood donors!

  6. That's pretty.....gay.

    No seriously, why should these people be treated any different? I'm pretty sure everyone would want ANY kind of blood if you need a blood transplant, gay or not.

  7. When talking about saving lives... we should use all the blood we can have. No matter what or who!
